do you do nail trims?
Nail trims are included in our Bath & Brush Package. We do NOT do nail-trim-only stops or Add-on services only. These services may be possible for "in between" appointments for clients on a regular schedule. It’s too costly for us and too expensive for our customers to make sense. At minimum, a cat bath and brush must be booked. It is our training that a bath, brush, and blow dry is MOST important for a kitty’s health. The only way to get rid of the grease, dander, dust, etc that cause mats and skin problems is to bathe the cat. The only way to truly "de-shed" is with a thorough bath and blowout with the correct techniques and products.
We do offer "Nail Trim Days" at various high-rise apartments/condos and senior living/assisted living communities. Contact us to book a nail day for your property and your services will be free of charge! Click HERE for more information
We do offer "Nail Trim Days" at various high-rise apartments/condos and senior living/assisted living communities. Contact us to book a nail day for your property and your services will be free of charge! Click HERE for more information
do you sedate cats for their groom?
No we do NOT sedate cats.. Some customers administer a sedative from their vet before grooms for aggressive or anxious cats, but we prefer that your cat NOT be medicated in any way for the first groom. This way we can assess behavior, and perhaps surprise you with what we can accomplish with our training! Most cats are fine with the entire process without any sedation medication. If a cat proves difficult, we will then refer you to your vet for their approval for a dose of gabapentin or similar medication for the next groom.
do you do lion cuts/plush cuts?
A Lion Cut/Comb Cut is NOT performed on the first groom unless severely matted and necessary. Nor are they performed without a Bath & Brush. We need to see how a kitty responds before considering a lion cut/comb cut. A bath and brush does WONDERS for a shedding, matting cat!
what is a pelt?
A pelt is a single large, thick mat that will result in the cat needing the "Hot Mess" package. Removing pelts is a delicate business requiring knowledge and technique. The cat’s safety and stress level is the top priority, with the goal being remove all mats, clean and soothe the skin, and educate the cat’s owner to prevent any future matting. Pelting is a serious problem that cats face. Long haired or short haired, any cat with hair can get matted, and mats lead to pelts. A pelt can kill a cat as it interferes with movement and bodily functions. Cats are not equipped with the tools needed to remove these large, pelted mats of hair – but groomers are. This process can take a long time as the large mat pulls on the skin preventing from shaving freely and only shaving very small sections at a time. In addition, the wear & tear on the equipment needed is amplified.
will you shave my kitten or senior cat?
Full shaving/Lion Cuts/Comb Cuts are not performed on kittens or senior cats unless severely matted. Kittens’ coats are delicate and changing. Aggravating the growth process with over-shaving can ruin their hair follicles and, in turn, ruin their coats. With senior cats, the skin is paper thin, delicate, and they tend to be boney. They have a harder time keeping themselves warm. Quite often, the hair will never grow back the same. “Less is More” with kittens and seniors, so it needs to be deeply considered before going through with a lion cut on a cat of any age.
does my cat have to have a bath if they are getting shaved/dematted?
Yes, your cat needs a bath. It is our training that a bath, brush, and blow dry is MOST important for a cat’s health. A shaved cat is NOT a clean cat. The skin, paws, and face are still dirty and covered with saliva-causing dander, litter dust, fecal and urine matter. Most mats can be removed without shaving more easily once the coat is clean. A lion cut is finished with a clean coat.
my cat has never been groomed, you'll never be able to give her a bath!
We hear this all the time. The percentage of cats that need to be heavily sedated or need a second set of hands is in the single digits. We introduce each step slowly. We concentrate 100% on the signals the cat is giving us and work in tandem with them. We play "Relax Your Cat" music during the groom! Your cats can learn to love the experience, once they have learned they are not in any danger, and they feel amazing after. Imagine going your whole life with dander, litter dust, fecal and urine matter build up on your skin and paws. You’d want a bath too!
do you apply soft paws/nail caps?
We do have soft paws in many colors and sizes. Soft paws – or nail caps – are vinyl nail covers applied to the nails with pet safe glue. They last 2-6 weeks, depending on how active the cat is. They are great for cats that are scratching on furniture, people, children, floors, etc.
what might cause the base price to increase?
Price may increase depending on weight. Bigger cats have more surface area, requiring more soap, water, and time. Price may also increase depending on mileage outside of our service areas
Price may increase if there is matting at $10 per 10 minutes.
Price may increase if there is a handling fee for aggressive cats or cats that need a second set of hands for a variety of reasons. $5-$50.
Price may increase if there is matting at $10 per 10 minutes.
Price may increase if there is a handling fee for aggressive cats or cats that need a second set of hands for a variety of reasons. $5-$50.